Advanced options help to adjust PoweredCache for covering some edge cases and giving more control over the caching layer.

Rejected User Agents

If you don’t want to show cached results to specific user agents, you can use this option. (It supports regex)

Facebook user-agent (facebookexternalhit) is automatically rejected by default.

Rejected Cookies

If you want to ignore specific cookies for caching you can use this option.

The following cookies are rejected by default:


They can be modified through powered_cache_rejected_cookies filter.

Vary Cookies

Vary Cookies allow to create separate cache based on the cookie match. This is useful when your website creates dynamic content based on the user cookie.

If you are looking at this option for the cookie laws plugin, please also read this –

Never Cache the Following Pages

You can easily exclude pages from being cached. Enter full URL, relative path, or regex. 

Since PoweredCache 2.0 it’s easy to disable caching for a particular page. However, we kept this option in case you may want to control cache other than posts content or apply regex.

For example, if you want to ignore all pages and subpages start with /example… use example(.*) as the pattern.

Ignored Query Strings

Normally, page caching doesn’t work with query parameters. If you want to ignore particular query strings, make sure to specify supported parameters.

Following parameters ignored by default (cached results will be shown to pages with these parameters)


In order to control these parameters, you can use “powered_cache_ignored_query_strings” filter.

Purge Additional Pages

Purge given pages when a new post is published or updated. Normally, PoweredCache only purges related pages with the updated/published posts. (eg. purge archive page for the term that post being tagged)

However, calculating post relations is not possible when the content is generated via shortcodes. (eg. display latest 10 posts on a particular page) Such these scenarios, you can list the pages that will be always purged when a new content is published or updated.

Cache Query Strings

Cache Query Strings enables the caching of pages with query strings, except when the query strings are disregarded. By utilizing Cache Query Strings, you have the ability to designate specific parameters that generate separate caches based on their values.

For example, if you are using “lang” query string for determine the language of the page, these pages will be cached: