Page Cache Purging on Large Scale

Page cache purging is a vital process in the lifecycle of any website powered by a content management system. It involves clearing out the stored (or cached) versions of your web pages, to ensure that users are always served the most recent content. In large-scale web applications, managing cache purging can become a considerable task […]

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Compatibility with Cookie Law Plugins

If you are using a cookie consent plugin on your website, you might need to create separate versions of cached results based on the user preference. Powered Cache is compatible with the following GDPR/Cookie Law plugins: CookieYes | GDPR Cookie Consent & Compliance Notice (CCPA Ready) Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA EU […]

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Advanced Options

Advanced options help to adjust PoweredCache for covering some edge cases and giving more control over the caching layer. Rejected User Agents If you don’t want to show cached results to specific user agents, you can use this option. (It supports regex) Facebook user-agent (facebookexternalhit) is automatically rejected by default. Rejected Cookies If you want […]

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Object Caching

WordPress has built-in object caching but, object cache is non-persistent by default. This means that data stored in the cache resides in memory only and only for the duration of the request. Powered Cache comes with several different object cache backends to save persistent. Memcache Requirements: A Memcached server and the PECL Memcache extension. Memcache […]

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Caching on Ecommerce

PoweredCache is compatible with WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads and BigCommerce based e-commerce websites. How does it work? PoweredCache respects DONOTCACHEPAGE constant and doesn’t generate caching for those templates. Well-written e-commerce plugins define that constant before rendering the particular template which shouldn’t get cached such as a cart, checkout, my account pages. So, they work perfectly […]

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Disable Page Caching for Specific Posts

It’s quite straightforward to disable page cache for a particular post. You just need to check the “Don’t cache this page” option on the post editing screen. It works both classic editor and block editor.

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Page Caching

PoweredCache generates static HTML files from your dynamic WordPress site. After an HTML file is generated your webserver will serve that file instead of processing the comparatively heavier and more expensive WordPress PHP scripts. Page caching is one of most important feature to decrease the load time of your website and making much faster. Serving […]

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