This feature aims to improve user experience by enhancing the performance of your website. The Prefetch Links feature will automatically prefetch URLs for links that appear in the viewport during idle time, resulting in significantly faster subsequent page loads.

  • This feature will be inactive if it detects that the user is on a slow network or operating under a data plan.
  • wp-admin, external links, or the links with a query string will excluded

Prefetching Custom URLs

Either using a helper method:

\PoweredCachePremium\LinkPrefetcher::prefetch($url, $is_priority);

Or using “powered_cache_link_prefetch_options” filter

add_filter( 'powered_cache_link_prefetch_options', function ( $options ) {
	$urls[] = 'https://plugindevel.test/2020/01/';

	$options['urls'] = $urls;

	return $options;
} );

Plugin compatibility

This feature eliminates the necessity for the following plugins. If any of these plugins are detected, you will receive a prompt to deactivate them:

  • Quicklink
  • Flying Pages